
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Miracles Do Happen

Last night it rained. When I woke up, the clock was flashing due to the power outage, the deck was still sunroof was open! My heart sank as I went out to the car. I opened the door and there was not a drop of rain in my car! My purse sat open, right under the sunroof, checks I needed to deposit without a single wet spot!

Thank you, God. Your love amazes me. I have a mental image of God's hand resting over the opening or an angels perched on top with an umbrella.

God is SO GOOD!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tired but Hanging in There

Jean was moved to Benefis West this afternoon. She's now in room 463. The phone number is 406-455-2463. She's making good progress though it's hard for her to see.

We're all hanging in there but we're very tired.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


My heart, clearly expressed by Nancie Carmichael in The Comforting Presence of God

"Waiting teaches trust. When we wait our eyes are on the Lord. Not our problem, not our need - but on the Lord. When we wait for Him, we don't wait alone; He is there, even though He may be silent. 'Waiting' means to not be in control...but rather to know that He is. It's a time to remember this: God has never failed us; He won't fail us now.

Thank You, Lord, for showing us the importance of waiting on You. Remind us that 'waiting' means to simply abide in Your presence with an open and submissive spirit, knowing You are at work. We wait with expectancy and with faith, knowing that all of Your ways are good."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Grandma Jean

Sunday evening, Jean went out to smoke and on her way back in, decided to right a chair that had been blown over in the wind. This took her off the sidewalk and into the damp grass. One moment she was up the next she was flat on her back. Chris saw her go off the path and immediately went outside but it was too late.

Chris called me and advised her to call 911 and I would be right there. I pulled in just behind the ambulance. They brought her to the hospital just 5 minutes away from our house. Things were complicated by the fact that she has morbid reactions to morphine, codeine and all opium derivatives. They were finally able to give her Demerol (sp).

She had snapped the ball of her hip right off and it slid down while the femur slid up, shortening her leg and would require a hip replacement. The orthopedic surgeon was to be in first thing Monday morning.

We had a rough night and so we decided to try some Darvocet and an anti-anxiety medication, Adavan. The next complication being that she only weighs 80 lbs. So far they've simply give her a 1/4 dose and she does well.

Surgery was finally completed Monday @ 4:00 after I shook some cages and learned that no one had contacted the orthopedic surgeon yet. Each thought the other had made the call.

She came through surgery with flying colors. Dave got back from the cattle auction at 5:00 and stayed with Jean last night.

Since we're so close to the hospital, Chris has been staying at our place and Mike's doing a great job manning (hee hee) the home front.

I'll keep you posted.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Yeah Mom

Woohoo, the exercise trend is spreading :-)

Today was a cardio day. I spent 10 minutes on the jogger, 10 on the strider and 15 on the rowing machine for a total burn of 300 calories.

My lower back is sore from the Yoga and weed pulling (actually hacking with a picaxe) so I did quite a bit of stretching as well.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Today I participated in a "Yoga for all" class. It was really good. I have a LONG ways to go on my flexibility but it was great all over workout.

Yesterday I went in for the "Corepole Experience" but I was the only one to show up so they cancelled the class. I then jumped on the cardio machines for thirty minutes. My goal is to increase my cardio time but I didn't have my iPod with me and it was so BORING!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

30 Minutes

30 Minutes on the Precor Elipticall doing an interval course. 2.75 miles and 260 calories burned. Heartrate got up in the 160's during the peaks and down around 130 for the low. Yeah! My heart rate was 130 after just 3 minutes of stepping during my fitness evaluation. It's great to see the progress.

In my daily devotions I'm reading "The Comforting Presence of God" by Nancie Carmichael, "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian and a chapter or two out of the New Testament. Today I read Philemon. I have two verses today.

Hebrews 12:15, "Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled."

Philippians 4:8, "Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable...and the God who gives us peace will be with you."

I don't want bitterness and hardness of heart. I wish to be bathed in the fruits of the Spirit, in God's unending favor and love. I cannot do this on my own, it is God's work through me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back in the Swing

Monday - Worked out on a machine I will call the jogger as I don't recall the name :-). It's similar to an eliptical or strider but your knees come up higher so it works the glutes a bit more.

Today - Back to the power-flex class. We focused on the upper body so my arms are a bit sore but it wasn't as bad as I feared. I must confess that I took it easy on the weights and stuck with 5 & 8lbs.